Monday, December 15, 2008

Selayang Myanmar Refugees (6/12/2008)


就在來臨的這一天﹐我還是有一點點擔心﹐不過﹐我將就還是來了﹗(TOT) 這個難民營就在店屋得二樓&三楼﹐它是一個與世隔絕得難民營﹗如果沒有真真的看清楚﹐你還會迷路呢﹗它讓我感覺到很大的不同。沒有我先前得恐懼﹐也沒有黑黑暗暗的還境﹐它的环境是以闪亮的青色为主,没有丝毫的黑暗暗的感觉。一进到了他们的 “课室”,就瞧見了一顆顆得大眼睛﹐很天真,無知的小朋友 (小菩薩) ,很活泼的盘坐在地面上。

虽然早上已经排练过很多次(一家人手语-缅甸版 & 保持环境的卫生手语-国语版)但是毕竟这还是我的第一次,紧张与兴奋的感觉还是难免的。哈哈。。。看见MMU伙伴们的用心,却让我深感到我的努力是多么的渺小啊!感恩啊~(MMU伙伴们,为你们加油喔!我会向你们看齐的喔!)在这小小的天地里我交了两位小菩萨,她们都是PRE-TADIKA的,一位是WAHEIDA,另外一位是SHANAS。虽然说,今天的我是来做她们的小老师,但是呢,实际上呢,是我要向她们学习。哈哈。。。(PAISEH。。。) 她们就像是我的翻译员,很体贴的帮我翻译国语去缅甸语。这么做就会有跟多的小菩萨学到我们的国语噢~~那时的状况真的很暴笑&可爱呢!

有时候人的想法很伟大,但是他们所谓的伟大是不是值得小孩们光荣呢?在来难民营前,我觉得难民的小孩是很苦的,但是看着一位位快乐的小菩萨的面孔,我犹豫了!是我的错觉吗?他们快乐吗?他们却实是快乐的!就因为他们有着一颗我早已遗失的心;一颗赤子之心。环境的变化让我必须把自己的心给埋起来了,做一位 ”大家“ 都认同的小孩。瞧见了他们,他们深深的让我体会到有时候人要学会放弃,不要執著着当下,要感恩,无时无刻的感谢一切缘与恶!是你们,是你们让我找回我的勇气,去面对我逃避已久的世界。感恩啊~我的小菩萨&伙伴们!

每日一句: “为持一段感情是需要两方面的配合,要以心比心,体谅心,包容心跟感恩的心。因为只要能照顾好自己的心,就能找出幸福的泉源”!阿弥陀佛~

育葶 感恩合十

Monday, December 1, 2008


感恩啊~今天是我第一次在自己的故鄉做訪事。這次的訪事﹐真的讓我受益﹐也讓我找回遺失已久得感覺。隨然有點陌生﹔不過也有點熟悉﹗陌生是因為我在熟悉不過的夥伴們都已換了人。從“八仙女”組合換去 “MMU”組合~哈哈。。。還滿不錯得配搭﹗熟悉也當然是慈濟人的大愛精神與無私的愛﹗


隨然命運約束了他們(感恩戶)得自由﹐但他們卻沒有向命運底頭認命﹗反之卻活得跟開心與充實﹗他們勇敢的面對生命﹐也讓我身身的提會到我是那麼得幸福。正所謂: “見苦知福﹔知福要造福”﹐ 人生無常﹐你永遠都不會知道 “明天先到﹐ 還是無常先到“﹐ 只要我們用感恩的心﹐活在當下﹐那我們就算是在造福了~

每日一念: “當你在逆境的時候﹐要感恩它﹐因它在幫你消災和惡業﹔當你在順境的時候﹐你跟要感恩﹐正所謂: “感恩的孩子最幸福﹗”夥伴們﹐就讓我們今天一起做個幸福的孩子吧﹗加油喔~

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Most Glamous Day~

What will be the feeling of meeting up someone that is big in the country? Or even in the university? I believe, not much of among us can do that, do we? Well, i think the HR peoples are all blessed! I can tell you that, it was cool..really fantastic to meeting up them! The way they talk to you, their body language and even the way of their thinking, is all different from what we are doing right now! Yesterday was a day that i create my name in front of the IBBM (Institute of Bankers Malaysia) peoples; i have the chance to sit with their CEO, and also the Ex-VC of UiTM. Although the time was quite short, we manage to share the thought and ideas that was worth to make them remember who I am!

To become one of the best in the field, you need to create your name! It is just part of the responsibilities to become the best; no one can stop you but you-yourself! You are the one who decide who you really want to be and how will be your way of life! It is all within your power of control, but off course you must get the blessed from the mighty-God first!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



一个我原已为的答案已不复在。留下的确是无比的心疼与痛心!朋友时常对我说 “心中常存知足,感恩,善解,包容;知福也要惜福” 心美,看什麼都順眼。。。我自认是一位很容易妥协的人,我愿意包容一切人,事,物,但是 你却让我痛失心扉,把我当成傻瓜般玩弄在手心。一次又一次得原谅了你,总觉得你是忏悔得,但你不是!你把我当了白痴,我却是相信了你。原以为的善解却变成了 你玩弄的理由。。。

朋友得不领情,课业上得难题,家人的冷落,有谁会真心得对待我? 我不要求別人能給我什麼,我只想我能為別人做什麼 。静思语常说 :“幫助別人,其實就是在幫助自己”。别人说我很傻得服出,为我不值,但你们可有想过如果有一天你们也变成了和他们一样,你还是会那么得想吗?或许有一天我会。。。但我不后悔我今天所做的一切,只因我还相信 “人是善良的”。只要以愛心待人;以磊落的心胸接物;則人生到處充滿了真善美。虽然,这次彻底得被你打败了,不过,总有一天,我相信我的坚持是不会白费。任何事都是從一個決心,一個種子開始!在看的你,我让你失望了,我是不会依你了,不伦结果如何,我也不会放弃你的!

broken heart

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Trip to Jong Crocodile Farm & Zoo (Sarawak)

Have you ever see a 15 fts Crocodile's skeleton? Have you heard before the Bujang Senang? The Great Reptilian? Well, if you are interested, here is the place for you to visit. I never thought it will be that excited but indeed it was a real experience for me!

Having to say that, have you ever see any animal like this before? What is this creature anyway? A rat? Smallest monkey? Or the squirrel? Well, the answer is squirrel. But it look really different for me.haha... It is so tiny to hold. Brown in colour with the red stripe from the head till the end of its body! Kind a cute actually! (If you know how to appreciate it)haha... Actually this little thing cost the Zoo few thousands to import it from Jakarta. Not include the maintenance fees, foods & etc...Costly didnt it?

And there is also a Sun Bear (the smallest bear in the world). Having a big compound for its own but i do not think the bear is happy with its condition. Kind a pathetic to see its condition! Due to lack of manpower to take care of it, the bear's nails have grow so long and cause some difficulties for the bear to walk properly! Sad

After a day trip in the Zoo (perhaps!), i realize that there are something we can control and beyond our control! When you have the power of control you need to use it well (control over your life), nobody will care about your life but you! John Maxwell once said "they will not care about you unless they know how you care!". Do you agree with me?:P

Monday, September 22, 2008

Tzu Chi's Camp (19th-21th Sep 2008)

This year Tzu Qing’s Camp I was assigned the responsible of becoming a “small captain” or should I put in the term “7-11’s Manager”. This is because once you have become the “small captain”, you need to be ready to serve your member anytime anywhere for these 3 days, just like the 7-11 shop. Give you convenience for 24 hours!haha....

I am very grateful of being assigned to the 3rd group, which is the “San Jie” (understanding)group. I get the chance of meeting up with “Ling Chang Feng Si Gu” as our team’s mother. She is a soft spoken, elegant and sweet lady. She often put the smile face on her face, if you ask me to put a time frame; I believe she will be smiled almost 24 hours, except when she is sleeping. When she smiled, you will also being influenced and smiled back. This is the power of “LOVE”. A mother’s love!

In my team, there were consist of 3 princes and 4 princess. But, due to some reasons, my princes have been “curse” into….. “Dong Gua (Alex), Ku Gua (Yik Jia) and Da Xi Gua (Alan)”! Alamak! And myself, I believe I am still that pretty so as the other princess…☺3 of my princess are future teacher and the other one is future corporate lady…Each of my princess they have their own uniqueness, like Princess Hui Lian, she is a very analytical lady, Princess Zhi Yin, she is a shy yet polite lady; Princess Kai Feng, she is the most courage and understanding lady; & Princess Karen is the most confident lady according to my observation.

During these 3 days, we have built up the relationship and commitment among our members. I learn a lot from my members as I am also in the process of learning. Especially from my "3 Gua"s. It is quite tiring of taking care of the 3 big babies, this is because they are really......"silly"(haha). The experience of being a “planner” and “participant” are totally different. I am really glad that i have make the decision to join. If you would like to know more about the story of my 3 "Gua"s, do wait for my next post.....see you soon...